splorp! Evil Bastard

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Link to me with this logo!

Link to me with this logo Dammit!

Link to my wife with this logo!

Link to my wife with this logo Dammit, again!

That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?

Get Firefox. Now. This is not a suggestion.   


December 29, 2007

Christmas has come and gone. Mrs. splorp! received a nifty stained glass item Stained Glass window panel in new window, some gardening implements (gloves, kneepads, cultivator and trowel), a Pajamagram Pajamagram in new window, 6 books (of course), a Canon camera (from her parents) witha 2GB memory card, Amy Brown Amy Brown artwork in new window branded steering wheel cover and car seat covers, and, of course, cash from relatives. I received a USB missile launcher, a USB Bluetooth adapter, a USB video capture tool, Guitar Hero III, gift cards for Fry's and cash, of course. (As always, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but that's a good start). As for Christmas day itself, I actually worked it (volunteered). The company I work for has 24/7 support, so SOMEBODY has to be there. I've been working about every other holiday, as extra pay comes with it. For Christmas, it was triple time. How could I pass that by? (;<

Someone at work has what I suspect may be the flu. They were kind enough to pass it along to me. Muscle aches, congestion, sore throat and a cough. <sarcasm>Yay.</sarcasm>

December 17, 2007

We had our office party on Friday night. There was alcohol, faux gambling and prizes. Mrs. splorp! and I won a dinner for two at Macaroni Grill.

As promised, I finally put up some pictures of the new apartment. It takes forever to get everything exactly how you want it, so it's going to be a while before all the pictures I want to take are uploaded. Hopefully, you'll get to see our "yard", too.

Below is Harley Quinn, our Green-Cheeked Conure

Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn in November 2005

Drusilla, the Vampire Parakeet To the left, you’ll see Drusilla,
the Vampire Parakeet, named after
a character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
because she bit like a vampire.
She passed away on 12/20/04.

Evil Bastard Productions