splorp! Evil Bastard

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Mrs. splorp! Pictures

These are pictures of Mrs. splorp! Ain’t she cute? ;D!

Mrs.splorp! in Hawaii on her honeymoon
September 12, 2006 in Hawaii. Like her baseball cap?

 Mrs.splorp! with her best friend, Maria, at her graduation from C-SUN
2003 C-SUN graduation with her best friend, Maria. Maria was Mrs. splorp!’s maid of honor three and a half years later.

Mrs.splorp! at her college graduation in 2001
May 2001, graduation from Moorpark College.

splorp! and Mrs. splorp! over 2 years before we got married. This image is dated August, 21, 2004
splorp! and Mrs. splorp! over 2 years before we got married. This image is dated August, 21, 2004.

 Mrs. splorp! with her 2007 Honda Fit
Mrs. splorp! with her 2007 Honda Fit. This is her very first brand new car.

Mrs. splorp! playing Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls III
Mrs. splorp! playing Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls III. Note her Buffy the Vampire Slayer pictures on the wall. Amber Benson, Juliet Landau and James Marsters autographs are visible on two of the pictures. Yeah, she's cute, smart and a wee bit geeky.

Mrs. splorp!’s senior picture
Mrs. splorp!’s senior picture. I didn't have a chance once she decided she liked me. (;<  

Evil Bastard Productions