splorp! Evil Bastard

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Link to me with this logo!

Link to me with this logo Dammit!

Link to my wife with this logo!

Link to my wife with this logo Dammit, again!

That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?

Get Firefox. Now. This is not a suggestion.   


March 22, 2010

I added some new links to the previous post. I will attempt to add more as the day (maybe week) progresses.

March 21, 2010

When you buy a house near the holidays, there's tons of stuff to do and no time to do it. So, here's a list of stuff (roughly chronological) that has occurred since my last post...

  • Replaced the old water heater. Installing the new hot water tank in new window
  • Replaced the locks.
  • Replaced the toilets Replacing a toilet in new window
  • Hung blackout curtains in the master bedroom Installed blackout curtains in new window
  • Bought a new vaccuum cleaner
  • Hung pictures on the wall (wedding, etc)
  • Painted post by front door, painted decorative post over the garage, painted decorative post next to the front window (all Mrs. splorp!'s handywork)
  • Bought a new washer and dryer
  • Had to fly back to Ohio for a short visit (my grandmother passed away)
  • Hosted Christmas dinner Hosted XMas dinner in new window for Mrs. splorp's parents, sister, 2 aunts and her cousin (with his wife and 4 kids)
  • Replaced a gate latch and hung a shower rod with attached towel bar (all showers seem to be made for people under 5' 10")
  • Patched small bad section on the roof (ye olde father in law did that for us)
  • Caulked around the windows (Mrs. splorp and her dad did that while I was at work
  • Got rid of the jungle gym/swingset (Mrs. splorp!'s old boss came by on a Saturday and took it apart and hauled it away (he has kids)
  • Put up floating shelves in the computer room
  • Bought a kitchen island from Ikea (and, of course, had to put it together)
  • Hung 36" Samsung Touch of Color TV on the wall in the computer room
  • Bought a cool ottoman that holds all my Rock Band guitars and drums
  • Bought a TV credenza/entertainment center thingy
  • Bought a dog (D'Artagnan D'Artagnan in new window, Dart for short)
  • Bought a kiddie gate to keep the dog in the kitchen, as well as his bed and numerous toys
  • Ripped out disgusting cat-scented carpet beneath the kitchen cabinet a previous owner had installed on top of said carpet (Mrs. splorp! handled much of it) Mrs. splorp! rips out carpeting in new window
  • Ripped out shelf from kitchen cabinet and installed retractable trash can (for recycling)
  • Bought huge plastic composting thingy
  • Installed ceiling fan in the master bedroom with the assistance of the generous (with his time and knowledge) father in law, Dave
  • Bought 3 trees - orange, nectarine and a mutant apple tree (5 branches, each with their own separarate variety)
  • Installed an exhaust fan in both the master bathroom (with a light) and the hall bathroom (replaced the jet-engine sounding one)
  • Drilled hole in kitchen beneath phone to pull electric cord through to prevent Dart from chewing that up (he already killed a lamp and extension cord)
  • Set up planter box in the backyard
  • Installed fencing in the backyard because Dart likes to: eat trees and dig in the planter. Also enclosed the orange tree (it's separate from the other two trees) with the same type of fencing

I'll be providing pictures of a lot of this stuff in the near future. Like, maybe tomorrow.

Below is Harley Quinn, our Green-Cheeked Conure

Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn in November 2005

Drusilla, the Vampire Parakeet To the left, you’ll see Drusilla,
the Vampire Parakeet, named after
a character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
because she bit like a vampire.
She passed away on 12/20/04.

Evil Bastard Productions