splorp! Evil Bastard

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Link to me with this logo!

Link to me with this logo Dammit!

Link to my wife with this logo!

Link to my wife with this logo Dammit, again!

That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?

Get Firefox. Now. This is not a suggestion.   


August 31, 2009

For her birthday, Mrs. splorp! wanted to go to the Santa Barbara Zoo, so we did. I missed the turn on the way out because they're doing a ton of roadwork up there. She took a bunch of pictures while we were there and I just resized more than 2 dozen. I think she did a good job: Santa Barbara Zoo pictures Santa Barbara Zoo pictures in new window

On the house front, we're still waiting for word from the bank to determine if they're going to accept our offer (short sales can drag on for weeks or months). I'm feeling good about it, really. In the meantime, we're saving more money for the downpayment / discount points / potential upgrades. I'd like to get better windows soon after we move in.

A few weeks ago I had a sleep study done (Mrs. splorp! complains that I snore so loudly that even earplugs won't block it out). I got the results last week: moderate sleep apnea. For each hour I am asleep, I stop breathing for between 16 and 23 times per hour, with an average of 37 seconds each time and for a maximum of 69 seconds. So, I am not breathing normally for about 12 minutes per hour. They also said my oxygen levels (supposed to be 90-95%) dropped to as low as 76%. Great. So, I go back for a second test, where they're going to hook me up to a CPAP CPAP in new window.

My friend spatula is pulling down his http://morons.org site. He did advise he'd be archiving it, but hasn't provided any additional updates, yet. His spatula.net and spatula.net/blog sites are also currently down. Further bullentins as events warrant.

August 10, 2009

We finally got an update from our agent. She said that Century 21 (the listing agent) advised that the bank called them and advised they have all the info they need. The paperwork is being forwarded to the Short Sale department where it will be assigned a negotiator. The negotiator will review the paperwork, schedule an appraisal and complete the package for final approval. We should get an update by around Wednesday of this week. Forward progress!

While I was in Ohio last month, I got my parents signed up on Facebook. I didn't expect them to even look at it, again, but both mom and dad have posted and uploaded pictures. Hopefully, it'll be easier to stay in touch with them.

Below is Harley Quinn, our Green-Cheeked Conure

Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn in November 2005

Drusilla, the Vampire Parakeet To the left, you’ll see Drusilla,
the Vampire Parakeet, named after
a character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
because she bit like a vampire.
She passed away on 12/20/04.

Evil Bastard Productions