splorp! Evil Bastard

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Apartment Pictures

A few pictures from our new apartment. 

The "computer room"
This is a partial view of our computer room. On the left is Mrs. splorp!'s desk with her favorite tree. In the upper right corner you'll see John Lennon in Sqt. Pepper garb (a gift from EvilMomBeast). Once I finish putting up the stuff on the walls, I'll take a few more shots of the computer room.  

The audio corner
The audio corner. Filled to the brim with CDs and DVDs... Well, maybe not the brim, but those two cabinets are packed solid. On the left side is the wall o' Beatles stuff, which includes My favorite Beatles poster on the top, 4 albums(clockwise from top left: Magical Mystery Tour, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The White Album and a still-sealed Let It Be) and a picture of The Beatles with Ed Sullivan and a pin for each Beatle. While not technically on the wall, the picture on the speaker is from Strawberry Fields in Central Park Strawberry Fields in Central Park and is a gift from my sister (Lizard). It shows the Imagine mosaic.

The audio corner with XMas goodness
The audio corner, now with XMas goodness!

The audio corner with XMas goodness closeup
A closeup of the aforementioned XMas goodness. Mrs. splorp! handled decorating the tree (with nifty new LED lights) and I bought the new star.

Evil Bastard Productions