splorp! Evil Bastard

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Link to me with this logo!

Link to me with this logo Dammit!

Link to my wife with this logo!

Link to my wife with this logo Dammit, again!

That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?That's right! I validate! Can you say the same?

Get Firefox. Now. This is not a suggestion.   


splorp! the Evil Bastard’s Web Site O’ Doom - Harley Quinn Page 2

But we’re happy to bring him back out for some fun. Check out Harley and Mrs. splorp! playing ball together.  

And, of course, he enjoys macadamia nuts. He can't get his beak around them, so he sort of chases them along.

Hey! It's the 4th of July! Let's play frisbee!

A mix of some more Harley Quinn video clips.

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Evil Bastard Productions